
check please!

AHH actually, i changed my mind. Take it back!!!

turns out i owe that dratted college of mine +4000 dollars on the 17th of this month. some birthday present that is.

slipped at work the other day. the non-slip floor is horribly dangerous. one moment i'm minding my buisness, keeping my 5 plates (tables) spinning as i walk some dirty dishes back the the dishwash area and the next thign i know, i'm on the floor. my first thought was not "ohmigosh it hurts" but "dratted. that's my third broken bar glass this month!"

un/fortunately, i'm not sure which, i wasn't seriosuly injured; i only have a sore arm and a scratch on my finger where i sliced myself with said broken bar glass. no workers comp, but really, would i have wanted it? something tells me i wouldn't have gotten more than minimum wage. ah well.

i have recently discovered the joy of cash cards. i don't have one perse, but i have a travellers check card, which i've been emptying regularly at my daily walmart trips. it's wonderfully liberating to know that i can carry this card, not linked to my checking account like most, and spend what i need. it was worth the 15 bucks to get one. i'll probably even reload it. buy one! they are great.

i'm hoping on putting soem more applications in at some other resaurants. i'm going to need something more substantial than 250-300 a week at the pizza joint to afford college. especially since i didn't qualify for scholarships this semester.

that leaves me to wondering if i couldn't sell some of my cute crafty crap to poor schmucks and make some money. sure, i can pay for this semetser, but what about next semester? and when get my car? i've been saving my money since i got my first job at 13, and the last thing i want is to see it all gone.

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