
like today never happened

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hmm.. this is how i feel today.

i've noticed that everyone seems to favor music. i never used to be a big music person, but this past few years, i find i cannot live without my personal soundtrack.

i've also noted that parents, in an attempt to make sure you don't make the same mistakes they did, actually are hindering your psychological development as adults. i suppose that i will go be a psychologist and find research and prove my theory.

so my mom got all pissed today, and told me the deadline for college admisson was tomorrow. that obviously i had made the [wrong] choice in not going. i stomped upstairs, used my brother's plastic and registered for college. she basically told me if i don't go (and subsequently pay for college myself) that i might as well get packing, because i needed to find a residence elsewhere and a full time job.

so.... if i don't go to college, i have to move out and get a full time job. if i stay, i have to go college and pay for it myself, as well as my other expenses. hmm... somehting not right about that.

so yeah... in case you are wondering, my opposition is not to education. my opposition is to the college system:

1) go to college, and get a degree. it doesn't matter what hell the degree is, because "they" don't care. "they" just want to see that you have completed something. it could be in floral design. they really don't care.
--> a) why would "they" want a degree, no matter what? why don't they want something more important like a certification? why does experience play only some role?
--> b) how come education and experience take a back seat to people skills? just because i'm "socially inept" doesn't mean i can't do my job. heck, some of your staff may smile and please customers but do they work? NO!
3) FAFSA will pay for college, but only based upon the need which is based upon how much my parents make. memo to FAFSA: my parents aren't bloody paying!!! so give me the $#@^ MONEY!!!
4) school asumes i don't have a life. if i'm taking a class, i must have ample time to do everything. no never mind i work nearly full time. no never mind i might have other classes. professors' are such annoying people anyway.
5) if i'm a good student, i'm hated by other students.
--> if i get a good grade, i must be "professors's pet". how old are we people??
6) why do i have to pay to apply to your college? why do i have the lowest priorety for classes since i'm a transfer student??
7) i'm undecided for a major. i don't want to waste 10 credits here, a class there, trying to find what i like. i want to know then bust my butt and get'er done.

ok, so maybe i'm exagerating. i'm still cheesed off at my rents for literally making me go to college. i guess i'd better find 8k soon. wonder where?