
yup, i'm out to do it again. I'm going to do another month of 'blog-a-day'. If you weren't around for the first one, you can totally go to my website and check out the archives. i'm hoping that's unlike the last time, that i won't be rambling 99% of the time, but actually have somehting to say. Unlikely. ha ha ha.

since it's only a little before 1 in the afternoon, i haven't done much today. i overslept waaaay longer than i wanted, so know i'm tring to play catch-up. *hurridly throws work uniform in the wash* i don't really have too much homework to do since all but my arabic class requires very little brain activity. Ok, so maybe speech requires some, but CINS doesn't, and in fact, i already did the labwork for tuesday, so i'm set. i'll type up all the vocab for speech chapters so you cna have a copy TJ, caus ei know it's my turn.

last night, before i left from work, they were training a new manager. so, now i know the truth, and have decided that the restaurant is a waste of my time; thus, i'm looking for a new job. i'd tell you all why, but since one of my coworkers (namely, my boyfriend) works there, i can't tell just WHY i made the decision. anyway... on to something that doesn't appear to be whining....

i cut my guy's hair last night. ha ha ha. he's so trusting. it looked decent last night, but it was dark. i'm sure he screamed this morning after it had been washed. my mom walked in and laughed while i was doing it. she asked if i wanted a bowl and i frowned. i was very proud of my hair cutting skills because i only cut myself once! i figure it's an improvement either way. people used to tell him he time-warped out of the 1920's with hsi hairstyle, and when i was done, he at least time warped out of the 60's or the beatles era. hah hah. i put a ton of gel in it so it looked fine. i think it makes him look like his yahoo avatar, but what do i know?

i told my mom in passing that i didn't really want to go much further in college, and as i half-expected, she didn't really hear me. i suppose that's better than what i thought she might do, and that was tell me that's not something i didn't want to do. i'm kind of used to my parents ignoring me the first... four times i say something. ah well. guess they'll be surprised when my name is stamped on the front cover of a novel with the words "writen by" above my name. no, that's a bad idea. i should just use a pen name. i don't want to be like halfelven's parents, and burning her books and call her evil because of the content. *shudders* at least my parents are open minded, to an extent. her's are just... insane!

today i decided to focus on writing some more of my huge novel (what a waste, it sucks), so i decided to fill in some of the blanks of how my main char ended up with the anathema tattoo on his body even though he's not a slave and he's master-race. well, half master-race. ahh... don't you just love science fiction/fantasy? just be happy i don't write elves. nothing against people who write eleves, just be glad that my characters are human and reside in semi-normalacy. err... most of them are human... (that's another story)

hmm... i need to fill out my to do list. at least my sewing machine is fixe,d because now i can hold up my half of the deal and make my brother a jedi costume so i can get opening day tickets to the last star wars film. he's trying to convince me to get decked out in jedi attire, but i don't know that i have time. update: he says he doesn't want to be the only dork dressed up, so that's one less thing i have to do. does this mean i still get opening day tickets?? O:-)

gues i'd better shut up, or no one will want to read this monstrosity because it's so long.

ila l-liqa (roughly, i'll see you later you; would respond ma'a s-salama which literally means, [go] with safety)