
more on the ever annoying asinine boss

i'm looking for a new job because she's really begining to bug me something' serious here folks. Anyone have any suggestiosn of where i can make my usual 12-15 an hour? no? didn't think so. i guess i'll have to get another waitress job if i want to keep making my 'millions'.

On the plus side, i'm getting a A in all my courses. I'm crunching down on arabic, and now i can say the basic "hi, my name is. how are you. i'm fine thanks to God, where are you from, nice to meet you, seeya later." etc. i'm still working on knowing what those words look like, how to spell them with the short vowels, tashkeel <---(sp on transliteration??) To me, learnign the tashkeel seems mildly pointless, as these marks only appear in the Quar'ran, formal literature and the like, so they don't appear in everyday anything. Thus, the catch-22; some words, the only distinction between th is the length of the vowel, and that's indicated by the tashkeel, except you have to memorize it because the tashkeel doens't exist forever. if you are lost, you know my pain. Think of the words "deed" and "did" the only difference is the length of the vowel sound.
i think if i am actually going to learn functional arabic, i'd better get a dictionary and start memorizing words.

i learned how to fake rolling my r's well enough that my teacher cannot tell the difference. this makes me happy, no more marked wrong for pronunciation *grins*

i think i've unoffically dropped the firehouse. it's fun, don't get me wrong, but the way i volunteer right now, is not enjoyable. all we ever do is socialize, eat and maybe run a call. if i'm on the ambulance!! not what i want to do, so i'm going to try this whoel volunteerism deal later in life. i'm going to focus my efforts on these major descions that will impact my life.

i think i've convinced myself , if nothing else, to get my bachelors of science/art in psychology.

think that's all for now. oh yeh, i got a haircut :-D


Blogger Jane said...

Ohhh hair cut! I wanna see it.


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