
i lead a boring life

No, really, i do. The highlight of my day was finding that it was warm enough outside to open my window.

As for the whole rebeling against college thing, which you may or may not heard of, it goes well. FAFSA turned out to be a waste of time, because the governement is run by @$holes, (dad said it first!) and they assume that since my parents make x ammount of dollars a year, they figure my "estimated family contribution" would be 16k (whether that's entirely, or just a year, i haven't a clue) gee, no never mind that my parents aren't paying for college at all, and the more time i spend thinkign about "college" the less i want to spend my money on it either. if i go at all, it will be for psychology, which has thus far, been the only* thing that has held my interest in college. (*Foreign language has held my attention too, so i haven't dismissed the idea of being a... linguist? what do they do?)

my goal is to not end up as a teacher. I really hate teaching people, (thus my strong opposition to training new staff at the restaurant) i hate teachers at school, and i hate students. Yes, i know this is quite a bit of a contradiction, but really, examine your school life. i know i'm a pain in my teachers eyes, and i'm sure half of you (the three of you that read my blog ;-)) can say the same thing.

I really want to be an author of some sort, either books or screenplays. There's nothing i enjoy more than an ending i didn't see coming in a movie or a book. conversely, nothing annoys me more than a book or movie where i knew what was going to happen before it happened. Of course, movies with such giant plot twists often make them near impossible to watch more than three or four times. Exceptions these rules of mine would be The Passion of the Christ which, despite it's graphic violence, and predictable ending (psst!! he DIES!) is a movie i could watch more than three or four times.

While i'm babling about nothing in particular, i wish to say that i truly admire Mel Gibson for making a film of that magnitude. i wish i had the magnanimity
(ha ha!! i look it up TJ!) to do a film like that, giving my time and my soul into something that has fascilitated such a strong movement in people.

other people i wish i could be include M. Night Shyamalan and Stephen King. iIt sucks to be famous, but i would never use my real name for writing. i would so totally do the Benjamin Franklin way, and find a Silence DoGood.

Since this is probably getting horribly wrong and my todo list is calling, i shall leave.

(tries to paste more arabic and gets frustrated)(it's supposed to be ila l-liqa but it looks like maa s-salama)
مع السلام


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One really cool job you can use with lingistic skills is simply join the peace corp. I think that would be really fascinating. Translating, or teaching English as a second language are decidedly not as fun options. Good thing you didn't tell me to look up magnanimity, cause being an avid reader and having a genious crossword puzzling, weird vocab word loving father... I am well aquainted with the term. :-D

Anonymous Anonymous said...

One really cool job you can use with lingistic skills is simply join the peace corp. I think that would be really fascinating. Translating, or teaching English as a second language are decidedly not as fun options. Good thing you didn't tell me to look up magnanimity, cause being an avid reader and having a genious crossword puzzling, weird vocab word loving father... I am well aquainted with the term. :-D

Blogger OTiK said...

FAFSA sucks. Sorry to hear about your misfortunes... and your life could be more boring, try to enjoy what you do have. ;-) I know from first-hand experience that you would make a great writer, if you can put yourself to the task. I hope you believe in yourself the way I (and others) believe in you! Well, you know me, so I'll see you later. I just wanted to post a comment so you knew I was still reading. Bye bye for now.


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