
niles and daphne


No, not that Niles and Daphne. my Niles and Daphne. On a what was apparently a irresonsbile whim of mine, i bought two hamsters. i am forbidden from keeping them at my house because i'm not sure why, my parents have refused to tell me why. so for now, they live at my boyfriend's house with his hamster. i'd much rather they live with me, but oh well. i guess i'll take them back over the summer whne i go to lvie with my brother. until then, i'll be over ever few days to check on my precious little hammys. later today, i'll take a picture, so you cna see. they are really small... tInY in fact, barely longer than my fingers. ah well. i ahven't much to say this post around either, since ive been off school and work was too slow for anything.

*puts on dress blues* *laughs at self* i relaly do look like an off-duty officer. no wonder that lady flipped out :))

i hate workign birthdfay parties, i really do. i onyl do them once a year, but since i'm not a firefighter, i feel as though i haven't knowledge to pass onto these kids, who want to know all about the fire engine. no little kid cares about the ambulance *wails*

then it's off to work.

wellup, off to the FH byes


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want one? They live at your sihjing house... :rolls eyes:


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