
input not = output

i keep spending more than i have been making in the duration of a week at my job. i'm all but full time (like, i'm scheduled for 38 hours, but most of the time i'm sent home 'early' and thus only work 30 hours a week..... no overtime for me :-() and barely clearing 250 a week. this months bills came in and it was over 600 dollar (car insurance etc, cell phone bill,) and took everything i had earned in the entire month of january from me to pay them. this is not working as i planed.

i spent the entire evening redoing my website yesterday, and not many seemed all that enthusistic. i should give up my digusting habit of being a people pleaser.

i spent the entire early afternoon before work today cleaning for that blasted party tomorrow while my parents are out visiting my cirrrotic uncle (is cirroctic a word?) who knows.

the cat keeps licking the floor, and i'm partially afraid she is going to kill herself this way. see, i cleaned the floor and walked all over it with my shoes... and anywhere i walked, she's licking the floor because it was "orange" 'flavored' cleaner.

my measily paying job is calling me to be humble and serve these idiots we call customers. i hate them, and wouldn't be nice at all if my tip didn't depend on them. i want a real job, where i can go sulk in an office somewhere, having minimal contact with humans and still get paid whether or not i smile and say, "can i get you a refill?" or "do you want french fries with that?"

ilâ l-liqâ'


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